Press Kit Template
A downloadable game
Hey Folks!
Rami Ismail built a lovely tool called PressKit(), but not everyone has the capability/knowledge of hosting it via a website. I used to have mine attached to my website but it disappeared when I stopped paying for my domain name!
This kind of sucks, so since then, I've used the format of itch.io pages to host mine instead!
I've previously asked for press tools embedded in the platform, maybe if folks start using this template to lay out their games, the good folks running itch will listen!
Here are some examples of press kits I made for my other games:
So I've attached two text files:
Press Kit HTML Format - This will give you the correct format for how I have my press kit set up. Simple steps to implementing this;
a. Download the "Press Kit HTML Format" file
b. Copy its contents onto the clipboard (Ctrl-C)
c. Create your own itch.io page
d. In the page description, select the HTML view (the button that looks like <>)
e. Paste the text in (Ctrl-V)
f. Click the HTML button again to change back to regular text view
g. Edit the text/contents how you please.
Press Kit Plain Text - If you're wanting a copy of the presskit in a simple text format to have locally, here it is!
Hope you folks find this useful, if you want to support me in any kind of way, give me a follow on Twitter or check out my games on iOS.
Best of luck with your projects and don't forget to send me links to the press kits you manage to make!
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